Brittany Kauffman
This year, the American Bar Association is celebrating Law Day with the theme “Cornerstones of Democracy: Civics, Civility, and Collaboration.” These sentiments are at the heart of IAALS—what we do, how we do it, and why this work is so critical.
Maddie Hosack
Last week, IAALS gathered with partners and friends for our 15th Annual Rebuilding Justice Award Dinner, celebrating the year’s awardees and recognizing our collective efforts to build a more inclusive justice system.
IAALS’ Lawyers Council is a new national group of law firms and businesses, whose members engage in IAALS’ process while also providing insight into their experiences in the justice system to inform our work.
Kelsey Montague
A new report from the NCSC and IAALS highlights how enforcing court rules that require expedited actions can improve fairness, cost, and efficiency in the civil justice system while also relieving case backlogs exacerbated by the pandemic.
The Colorado Supreme Court has approved a program to license a new tier of legal service providers, who will be able to practice in certain types of family law matters such as divorce, custody, and protection orders.
Alicia Mitchell-Mercer
The North Carolina Justice for All Project, created in 2020 to expand access to justice through regulatory reform, is a testament to the power of advocacy and the potential for individuals to drive change.
Representatives of the Denver Law Firm Coalition for Racial Equity recently sat down to discuss the coalition's efforts to date, what lies ahead this year, and how IAALS has played an integral role in this important work.
Over the course of its history, IAALS has sparked undeniable momentum to change the status quo. Read more about our work to reshape our justice system in our 2022 Annual Report.
Lisa Trabucco
In Ontario, paralegals have established themselves to be competent legal service providers in many practice areas and are now entrenched in the legal services landscape. Here's what the United States can learn from our experience.
Michael Houlberg
In January, the inaugural Legal Paraprofessional Summit brought together active and future legal paraprofessionals, as well as leaders from a number of states, to learn about the different components of each state’s ALP program and the steps Arizona took to create its program.
Jessica Bednarz
Design Your Law Practice: Using Design Thinking to Get Next Level Results is a one-stop resource for law firm owners to learn the basics of design thinking and prepare them to immediately apply these approaches to their own practices.
Harassment, threats, and attacks targeting judges pose dangers not just to judges' safety, but to the rule of law. Across the country, leaders are speaking out on this critical issue.
Stacy Butler
Allied legal professional programs have the potential to diversify the legal services market and create more cost-effective legal service models, and they should be created as an important part of a broader legal service ecosystem.
Judge Jeremy Fogel discusses access to justice, IAALS' key strengths, and the traits he admires in others. Trusted partners are key to IAALS' process, and we're excited to showcase their passion and expertise.