As I’ve taught classes on cybersecurity, it has struck me how difficult it is for small law firms, and small businesses in general, to protect themselves against cybersecurity threats. It’s difficult to find resources, help, and tools. Doing it right feels like it would be expensive, if you were able to find someone you could trust.
At the same time, small organizations might be losing business opportunities because they can’t represent or confirm that they are taking adequate cybersecurity protection measures.
It seems like a perfect place for outsourcing.
A friend of mine heard me commenting about this and introduced me to the team at Aadya Security (
They have exactly what I was hoping to find in this space – an outsourced suite of protection tools, managed by them, with reports to customers. They’ve even given the tool a human name – Judy. I love that Judy is on the job, working in the background to protect me, and Judy updates me from time to time about what she is protecting. I also love that I can now tell potential clients that, unlike most solos and smalls, I have this level of security protection. To me, that’s a game changer in itself.
It didn’t take much to convince me. It’s very affordable. I was willing to pay full price by the end of the introductory call, but they gave me an account to try for free. I liked it so much that we’ve set up a referral code for me to have people use – R3DK. Yes, I’ll earn something when you use the code, but take a look at the offerings, compare them to what you are doing now, and make your own decision.
Check it out, tell them I sent you, and use the code – R3DK. Aadya. Get Judy on the job for you.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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